The Pacific Alliance is committed to managing our fishery sustainably – today and for future generations. Sustainability means that we follow the best science and work to protect the entire ocean ecosystem – and that we manage the fishery to be productive for future generations.
For too many years, fisheries have been managed without concern for the fish species themselves or for species – like sharks, rays, and turtles – that were not “iconic”.
We intentionally fish with a traditional technique that is highly biologically selectives. This technique called fishing in association with dolphins is the only commercial tuna fishing method that both targets mature tuna (leaving breeding stock in the oceans) but also has minimal bycatch. This technique protects the entire ecosystem.
In addition to fishing with a sustainable technique, we are committed to:
International Standards
We are committed to following international sustainable fishing practices, including those standards set forth by the IATTC (Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission) and the AIDCP (Agreement on the International Dolphin Conservation Program), among others. We are proud that the AIDCP has been awarded the Margarita Lizárraga Medal by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization for our application of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries through the rigorous steps we have taken to protect marine mammals and other marine life.
Transparency and Accountability – 100% Coverage by Independent Observers
For 20 years, our fishery has been dedicated to transparency and accountability. We are proactive in managing our fishery sustainably and have welcomed 100% independent observer coverage of all of our vessels. Each one of our fishing vessels has an independent observer onboard to ensure that we continue to follow sustainable practices. We have also uniquely embraced the full participation of environmental non-governmental organizations in virtually all aspects of the AIDCP, including everything from the review of observer reports to the multilateral discussions on resource management and capacity management.
Continuous Improvement and MSC Certification
We are committed to continuous improvement and to always striving to better our management. As part of that, we decided to use the MSC Standard as our goalpost; and over the past years, we pursued MSC certification through an assessment with SCS Global Services.
We are proud to have earned that certification in 2017; and we continue to work on improving our performance across all indicators in the MSC standard.
Continuous Improvement and MSC Certification
We are committed to the conscientious and careful stewardship of our fishery to ensure that future generations will enjoy and benefit from healthy natural resources. And we hope you will join us on our sustainability journey.